Choose your plan

Mini Membership


Monthly Subscription

50 lbs | 1 Weekly Pickup | Save 15%

Ideal for one to two people.

What if I have extra laundry?

No problem, your rate per pound is locked in. Any additional laundry will be billed at your discounted rate.


Midi Membership


Monthly Subscription

100 lbs | 1 Weekly Pickup | Save 25%

This is a great option for two to four people.

Can I change my weekly pickup each week?

Yes, you may change the day and time of your pickup each week.

Mega Membership


Monthly Subscription

200 lbs | 1 Weekly Pickup | Save 35%

Perfect for large families or small businesses.

Membership FAQ

What if I want more than one weekly pickup?

You may schedule as many additional pickups as you need. Additional pickups are billed at $20 per instance.